

Coût: 3.

Exigence (). 1 max par joueur.

Interruption : quand vous jouez un événement Agressivité ATTAQUE, si vous avez utilisé une ressource pour payer cet événement, augmentez la quantité de dégâts infligée par cet événement de la valeur de son coût imprimé.

Nova #17.
Technique Éprouvé

I almost don't know where to begin.

If you build Attack events into your Aggression deck (and I can't imagine why you wouldn't) this card pays dividends all game long. This turns Clobber from an incredible tool into a 5-point smack every single round. Clobber now becomes an infinite minion murder tool. Magic Attack becomes a potential 10-point slam for 1 resource. Melee deals 6 damage to two different enemies. Uppercut becomes Swinging Web Kick, Swinging Web Kick becomes an enhanced Gamma Slam, and Dive Bomb...well with Dive Bomb, we really shook the pillars of heaven, didn't we Wang?

The mental requirement really makes this card fit well in hero decks that have the Genius trait, since the new Ingenuity is perfect for triggering Honed Technique, and only usable in those decks.

MacGhille · 270
Magic Attack would do up to 6 damage with Honed Technique (its cost is 1). Swinging Web Kick, Gamma Slam, and most other non-Spider Woman Hero-specific attacks are not Aggression Attacks, so they aren't eligible for Honed Technique. — Fry · 262
Yes, I got too excited and built a deck around this with Ant-Man...and then realized it doesn't affect Giant Stomp and had my day ruined, lol. — MacGhille · 270
an Aggression ATTACK event — Makst · 1
Why you say Magic Attack is just 6 damage and not 10? As how works Mrs. Marvel, magic attack should do 1+1 damage per card discarded, up to 5 times — CBDosho · 1
I think it is a timing thing with Magic attack. You first pay the full cost (discarding up to 5 cards from your deck) and then play it's effect (5 damage). To this Honed technique adds the cost damage of 1. For it to do 10 damage it would have to be phrases like this: — Chris2002 · 1
"Discard a card from the top of your deck -> Deal 1 damage to an enemy. You can repeat this action up to 5 times. Then it would be 5 separate instances of dealing damage and to each instance Honed technique would add an extra damage — Chris2002 · 1
Aggression Spider-ham is broken with it — Raquam314 · 13
Magic Attack's printed cost is 1. That only applies once, not 5 times. — DeekowSolo · 1
Swinging Web Kick (as well as any other Hero-specific Attack event) is not an Aggression card, so it cannot benefit from Honed Technique — Michebugio · 13

I can see this being a must-include in every Hulk Aggression deck. I say this because Banner’s ability lets him generate a free science-resource, which gets you halfway to meeting Honed Techniques 2-science resource requirement.

lightninlad · 17
Hulk really only likes his own attach events, and fist resources. — tunicv · 697
Sadly that's a nonbo, since Banner's Laboratory only works in Alter-ego and Attack events are Hero side only. — Peroxda · 5
The 2 mental requirement is only to play out the upgrade, which is what lightninlad was referring to. — Doc7 · 9