Moon Girl
Lunela Lafayette


Champion. Génie.

Coût: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Jouez cette carte uniquement si votre identité a le trait CHAMPION ou GÉNIE.

Réponse de héros : après avoir joué Moon girl de votre main, piochez 1 carte pour chaque ressource utilisée pour la payer.

Nova #18.
Moon Girl

Alter egos with the genius trait: Hulk, Spider-Man, Ironheart, Iron Man, Rocket Raccoon and Wasp.

Heroes with the Champion trait: Ironheart, Nova, Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel.

I really like Moon Girl, but it needs a specific deck to work. I use it in a green spidey (Peter) deck and works super well. If you pay with three cards in your hands basically you are playing her for free because you are drawing the same number of cards. But sometimes you can use things like Peter´s ability, Ingenuity or Quincarrier to maximize the benefit, drawing more cards that the ones you are spending. 2 thw and a block or 4 thw is not bad but you are only using Moon Girl if you can trigger her drawing effect. The only problem is when you draw her in a turn that you don´t want to go to ae and you are using someone like Peter but anyway I think she is a great ally in some decks.

Clintparker13 · 116

Moon Girl and Pinpoint are a great pairing in my opinion. Worth considering for any -heavy Champion deck, and especially for Ironheart. The more times you shuffle Moon Girl into your deck, the more card draw you have, and drawing cards never hurts in this game.

adsarf · 516