Nova Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 159

This deck isn't great at any one thing, but is a solid support for a lot of multiplayer setups, chipping away at the villain and main scheme while staying in hero form as much as possible.

Events: The goal of this deck was to try to make use of Nova's hero ability as much as possible by readying a ton to keep refreshing Supernova Helmet. Ever Vigilant and What Doesn't Kill Me let you stand up again for what essentially becomes a 1-cost with Nova's helmet, Desperate Defense lets you defend and stand back up, and Jump Flip is just a great thwarting card in the protection kit. "Go for Champions!" is a must, especially when you get a lot of your own allies out to block for your teammates.

Allies: Pinpoint is amazing, he was always the first card I wanted to get out. My partner had Nick Fury and Moon Girl, Pinpoint was putting them back in the deck every turn. Black Widow is also excellent, and you'll never have to worry about having science resources to trigger her ability. Clea is included if you ever need a blocker, and Snowguard, Spider-Man, and Vivian help round out the team with good stats to keep minions and threat down.

Supports/Upgrades: Champions Mobile Bunker is another great card, and works really well here. You have a lot of different options in this deck, and that helps you pull the right cards when you need them. Energy Barrier is excellent at keeping you in hero mode. I opted to include Hard to Ignore because I was pairing this with an aggression deck and needed as much thwarting as I could get, and Armored Vest helped keep that triggering. Defending can lower the value you can get with Supernova helmet and Nova's ability, to keep refreshing on your hero turn, so if playing with a Justice or Leadership deck, those two can probably be switched for something else.

I used this deck to beat the Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign on standard, paired with Spider-Man Aggression.