She-Hulk's Mighty Gamma Slam

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 159

The goal of this deck is to maximize Gamma Slam. We do that by keeping our health low, but not too low, with healing cards at the ready, and some card draw to cycle through your deck to get that powerful card back.

Healing: Med Team is really important to get out, it lets you have healing at the ready to bring you back up when your health gets too low. Momentum Shift is a great healing card, and Second Wind gets a ton of value with She-Hulk's generous health pool. We also have Endurance to raise your max health to make Gamma Slam's 15 damage more certain, Crew Quarters to get in a bit more extra healing for all the times that She-Hulk flips down, and The Night Nurse to ward away any stuns that might hit us at just the wrong time.

Card draw: We have three allies that help with card draw here, Nick Fury and Ironheart are basic staples, and Brother Voodoo can help dig for that Gamma Slam. You'll also want to use Focused Rage as much as your HP can bear to churn through your deck and find that Gamma Slam.

Support: I wanted to keep treacheries at bay as much as possible, Get Behind Me! does that while giving you a bit more damage, as well as Black Widow who's basically an auto-include in all my Protection decks. Indomitable lets you defend when you need to and stand right back up to attack. Quincarrier is there to help pay for Black Widow, Warlock, and Superhuman Law Division.

She-Hulk feels to me like a pretty over-looked hero, but playing with her health as a resource like this is a really fun way to play. And few things feel as good as dropping that 15-damage Gamma Slam. This deck definitely has a problem with thwarting, especially because She-Hulk likes to flip to AE a lot. I paired this with a Venom Justice deck focused on confuse-locking to keep the scheme safe.

I used this deck to beat The Mad Titan's Shadow campaign and The Hood on expert, paired with Venom Justice.