Captain America - Avengers Assemble!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jonchvic · 7

This is a deck that aims to have in the mid-game 5 allies in play (Stinger plus 4 more avengers) and makes the most benefit with the Avengers Assemble!

Once, five allies are in play, plus the Mighty Avengers,you can start the big combo. Then, first play the event Strength In Numbers in order to draw 5 cards. You should have a hand of 9 cards (or 10 if you already have Avengers Mansion) and this will make likely for you to have Avengers Assemble! card so you can ready all avengers and get a boost on the stats. You could also combine this with Lead from the Front and or Vision boost if you spend a energy resource. This will mean that each avenger could be hitting with a plus 3 on the attack.

In the future rounds, should be easy to repeat this combo with more cards of Strength In Numbers and Avengers Assemble! in the deck. If not, you could always use Black Panther hability in order to rescue one of those cards already from the discard pile and increase the chances of having them in your hands.

Usually, doing this combo I have been able to consistenly make near 40 damage in a single turn.

If you do not mind exceeding the 40 cards count, you also benefit the deck by adding the support Team Training