Miles Morales Symbiote

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Yepesnopes · 12

Here you have an angry Miles going full on with the Symbiote Suit. The deck brings three copies of Spider-Tingle to compensate for the Hazard icon in the Symbiote Suit.

Mulligan aggressively for Web of Life and Destiny and use your web-warrior allies at will. When in alter-ego, you can use them as well to trigger Spider-Tingle, and if you kill the ally by doing so, you will also draw a card :)

Play as often as you can Spider-Man. Use the event Across the Spider-Verse to bring him back from the discard pile by exhausting Web of Life and Destiny. Once you have Symbiote Suit and Warrior of the Great Web you will be dealing a lot of damage thanks to Spider-Man. Have extra fun by pairing those turns with cards like Defense Mechanism, Power Within and Arachnobatics.

Enjoy and by tidy with your webs!