SCL 1304 Spider-Miles (L) vs Expert Sandman + Sinister Assau

Card draw simulator

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josseroo · 702

My official deck for Solo Champions League Season 13, Round 4. In the end, it was not a great deck. Clarity of Purpose clashed with the tough status and I never used Lead from the Front. However, Last Stand proved to be great.

  • Round 4 - Sandman + Sinister Assault + City in Chaos (01/08/23-01/21/23)

  • Difficulty: Expert

  • Hero: Spider-Man [Miles Morales]

  • Aspect: Aggression, Justice, Leadership, Protection, or All Basic

  • Game 1: 6 turns, clean. Never quite had the timing work out great, but I managed to have a spectacular 17 damage final turn thanks in part to hitting Maria Hill with a double Last Stand. Clarity of Purpose can be a bit annoying on Spider-Miles because you often are sitting on a tough.

  • Game 2: 5 turns, clean. I ended up staying in Alter-Ego at the end of turn 1 due to a lack of status tokens on Sandman, but I had 3 allies out and was able to ride that to a fairly easy victory. Again, had another 17 damage final turn, with double Web-Shot providing most of the damage this time

  • Game 3: 7 turns, clean. Got tied up by Rhino and then Hobgoblin on turns 5 and 6 when I wanted to be pushing to end the game.


Jan 29, 2023 Nuggette · 1

Thanks for the honesty.