
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1157

So maybe taking a little damage is good for you?

Although Wolverine does not have any tech upgrades himself, I thought there was still a good synergy with Repurpose and Energy Barrier. Once you have Berserker Frenzy out you can tune the damage you take from minion attacks to ensure you get the draws without taking too much.

So basically you want to get Berserker Frenzy out and leave a couple of minions with low-ish attack to trigger extra draws. Wolverine can easily out-heal a few.

For villain attacks you will need to defend with allies at least some, if not most of the time. It does depend on scenario a bit, but for tougher villains you can end up with too much damage to out-heal. Especially if you get extra attack encounter cards. Nightcrawler helps here, as you can decide whether to use his ability after seeing the boost cards.

I did feel that it needed extra resources so added both The X-Jet and Helicarrier, getting at least one of those out does help. You also want to prioritise playing your Energy Barrier cards.

Then, the other part of the deck comes with Repurpose. Leave your Energy Barrier with 1 counter for when you want to use it. When combined with Jubilee and extra readies from What Doesn't Kill Me you can good amounts of damage.

After you have set up a bit you want to avoid switching to alter-ego, which should be easy enough given all of the healing. Sometimes I do like to switch just before I want to play Berserker Frenzy though, to get one heal up to near full health (you can play it while in alter-ego, it only discards when going from hero to alter-ego).

Professor X is still useful even though you are avoiding alter-ego. Early on you can flip and the confuse really makes that safer. Then, later on you can always use the other ability to ready Wolverine again. It can even be useful to confuse the villain in case they scheme from an encounter card ability.

There are a few ways to deal with threat, one being Repurpose itself, which can boost your thwart. I added Hit and Run for this, it worked better than expected for the early game. It was super useful being able to use Wolverine's Claws to pay for a bit of threat removal. The extra 2 damage also helps when dealing with 5-6 health minions.

Hope you have fun with the build!


Jan 25, 2023 ChocoboBai · 1157

Oh, and Daredevil is just a proxy for the Armor ally coming out in the Rogue pack. Although any 2-cost protection ally could work there pretty much.

Jun 19, 2023 ChocoboBai · 1157

I was looking back at this decklist the other day and realised I didn't add Utopia or Plasma Pistol. Utopia might be good for an extra ready, if using that I would also swap Clea for another X-Men ally. I think adding 2 Plasma Pistol is pretty essential to consistently have Tech upgrades available for Repurpose. Brother Voodoo is usually good for Repurpose decks too.

To make space I would remove Med Team and a copy of Hit and Run. Not sure what else yet.