SP//dr Thwarting wins games.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Andrahil · 2406

This is the Justice version of my SP//dr mostly Basic decks that focus on not steping over SP//dr's amazing toolkit.

Againt most villiains thwarting is the thing that will make the biggest difference and SP//dr only needs Heroic Intuition to make it happen.

Every turn you get 5 with your action and Psychic Link another 3 thanks to Host Spider and 3 more reactivating Host Spider with SP//dr Command at the cost of one card.

That's every turn with a bit of buildup. But you can also get extra 3 with good old Spider-Man and another 3 with Limitless Stamina. And with plans under control, you can just go into Alter-Ego any time you feel under the weather.

Cleaning minions gets easy with your allys with high ATK or having some Adrenaline Rush ready to spend whenever necessary. But if you play a villian with lots of them Green Goblin I'd sugest trying the Aggression version of the deck.