Uncanny Teamwork - Colossus

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1157

Lately I have been making some decks for multiplayer, trying to make some fun strategies that would not work in solo. This is the 2nd pair, which focusses on boosting the attack of Colossus and his allies. Then, using events to take advantage of the high attack power and avoid allies dying to consequential damage. It is paired with a Storm leadership deck, which you can find here.

The main allies are Wolverine and She-Hulk, who can be given Honorary X-Men. The more attack these have the better Fastball Special and Team Strike and Game Time become. With Wolverine's ability and She-Hulk's health they should stick around the whole game. Due to the tough status cards you can take attacks with your hero instead.

This deck brings the Attack Training upgrade while the Storm deck has Reinforced Suit and Uncanny X-Men. With these you can get She-Hulk up to 10 health, get some damage on her, which gives her ridiculous attack power from her ability.

3 copies of Brute Force are used to boost Colossus as you can avoid ever needing to use a basic attack. Instead help with a basic intervene, or exhaust for Team Strike / Smash the Problem.

A few notes on playing, the main priority is to get Wolverine / She-Hulk / Honorary X-Men out and some of Colossus' upgrade cards. Then you can start attacking with allies while waiting for Fastball Special or Team Strike, just make sure they don't die. You want to flip to alter ego often to get more cards early on and use abilities of supports (from the Storm deck). It is also essential for gaining tough statuses, I find keeping/returning Organic Steel is important. Also, note that when you are getting low on cards in the deck you can be sure to draw Armor Up when you need it. Be careful using Piotr's Studio the first time you go through the deck as it can skip over some important cards. I tend to not use it until I have the key allies in play.

I added 2 copies of Honorary X-Men to help draw it when you need it. The 2nd copy can go on the Storm player so that she can keep the X-Men trait in alter-ego, which is sometimes useful with Uncanny X-Men.

As Colossus does not have that many resources and 4 hero hand size, I did reduce the cost and setup a bit. This is why there is no Combat Training or Boot Camp. I found that there was enough attack anyway, and fitting in Game Time was more important.

Thanks to journeyman2 for some useful feedback on the decks!