You missed that you can distribute the damage like you want. Thats sometimes really good! But the rest seems true, yes. And it ignores retaliate for many but one instances. Also it can handle many tough status cards if this gets piering through wolverines claws. I think there really is a niche for this card. But my question is,can you use the allys of other players?
Jouez cette carte uniquement si votre identité a le trait X-MEN.
Action de héros (attaque) : inclinez votre héros et n'importe quel nombre d'alliés X-MEN → infligez X dégâts à répartir entre des ennemis en jeu, X étant égal à la somme des ATQ des personnages que vous avez ainsi inclinés.

This is a card I had to play before I reviewed it because it requires a specific deckbuild and play strategy to reach it's full potential. I am sad to report that I was not impressed. Compared to Mass Attack, Team Strike costs two fewer resources but requires you exhaust your that a one resource discount. The problem with both cards, is they're not letting you do something you couldn't have already done - attack with your allies. So the benefit is "healing" your allies from the consequential damage they would have taken to activate normally. The right comparison is not to other 1-cost attacks like Surprise Attack, but to heal effects like First Aid (or really, United We Stand, but that's only for Avengers). Naturally, the most "healing" can be done on 2-consequential damage attackers like Wolverine, Colossus, and Rockslide. You need one of them plus a second ally out for Team Strike to be better than First Aid. In the end, I decided it was too much setup for not even that impactful of an effect. I hope somebody can prove me wrong and put it to use in a challenging scenario, but for now, I will view it as a fun achievement to unlock in a lighter game.