Rogue - Follow Through On Teamwork

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 4180

Well hello there Rogue.

Rogue was a hero that I was not excited for until I played her for the first time last night, after that game I have not been able to stop thinking about the combos she unlocks. One of the more interesting builds I was thinking about was the Overkill build.

Since she can get Overkill on any of her attacks as long as Touched is attached to a minion it opens up a ton of options for her versatility. I wanted to maximize it.

With an overkill build the goal is to get as much damage rolling to the villain as possible. Follow Through helps with that as it increases every instance of excess damage by one. This improves our overkill damage - especially once we get 3x out there.

Now how do we exploit Follow Through? Since every instance of excess damage is increased, we just need to find a way to cause multiple instances of excess damage, cue Team Strike.

Team Strike allows us exhaust our hero and any number of Xmen allies to spread the sum total of their attack to enemies in play. Ding Ding, we have a spread. What we need to do is get out our big swingers, Wolverine and Colossus then fill our third slot with one of the other allies we have in our arsenal.

Combo this with a Combat Training on Rogue and Boot Camp to improve our allies attack, our one cost Team Strike is now hitting for 14 damage.

Since this can be spread out over the different enemies, and we have overkill from Touched, then all we need to do is assign 1 damage more than each minion's health and that one damage turns into four with the Follow Through boost - all with overkill!


On the field we have 3 minions all with three health. We play our Team Strike for 14 damage and assign four damage to each of the minions and 2 damage to the villain. The minions get cleared and we have 3 instances of 4 damage rolling to the villain giving us 14 damage total.

That one team strike, took out three minions and threw 14 damage at the villain.

We are clearing the field of minions and slamming the villain for massive amounts of damage.

This probably works best in multiplayer scenarios, but can work well in solo play as well.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed or have suggestions let me know in the comments! I play Marvel Champions weekly on Twitch ( and YouTube ( Hope to see you there sometime!


Feb 25, 2023 journeyman2 · 21240

Follow Through is excellent with Rogue! Adding Team Strike is super interesting, but I think you shortchanged yourself 1. It should be 15 because of Rogue’s Jacket!

I’d be tempted to add Utopia to get up to 4 allies and make sure she is ready so she can use Team Strike!