Behind Enemy Lines: Venom Confuse Lock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

iAreCade · 2

Full write-up soon.

The short of it all, is that the deck is built around trying to Confuse the Villain as much as possible to keep allowing Scare Tactic and Sonic Rifle to deal damage as well as taking advantage of free turns for yourself or another Hero to flip down to Alter-Ego safely for a turn to Recover, draw extra cards, use abilities, etc.

Deck is a great control deck that is able to remove threat, deal damage, and even defend reliably. this allows this build to be useful in solo as well as a great fill in option for multiplayer. Venom is a very powerful hero with a great well-rounded kit and resource generator on himself to help utilize cards with cost specifications such as Behind Enemy Lines, Savage Attack, Grasping Tendrils, Eros, For Justice!, and Concussive Blow.