Avengers Poker Night

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 424

Leadership is normally pretty straight forward and a bit boring personally. The Sneak Attack strategy allows you to play high-cost allies that you'd not often get out. An Asgardian/Avenger deck using Beta Ray Bill and Heimdall with heroes Thor or Valkyrie is fun, but Capt'n A can defend and ready all day, surviving this strategy better than the Asgardians.

Strategy: Mulligan for one of the six resource generators/savers and build those up over the game. Also keep any Shield Blocks. Use Sneak Attack along with Go Down Swinging and Save the Day to get out allies cheaply and get the most out of their cost before the end of the phase. Once your generators are up, you can pay for an ally to come out and use them for their high stats while still defending with the Capt'n for the shield's retaliate. Keep using those 0-cost discard attacks/thwarts just before they run out of health, and use allies to block minions. All of the Captain's cards are good, so use them to stay flexible.

With the Capt'n defending attacks, he'll slowly lose health, so it seems better to use Down Time rather than squeeze in another resource helper like Helicarrier. Prioritize that with Steve's Apartment. You'll find less chump blockers at the beginning of the game until your resource gens are setup.

Cards I chose not to use: Maria Hill is always a multiplayer fave, but I used White Tiger for the card draw and stat line in solo. Captain Marvel is out because there's no energy synergy in this deck. Hard not to include Endurance in every deck, but I'd rather flip down and use Steve's Apartment and Down Time since there are so many high thwart allies and Save the Days. Call for Aid would get allies in hand, but I'd rather just include more allies.

A higher number low-cost ally leadership deck with Avengers Tower, The Triskelion, and Stinger with Strength In Numbers and Band Together is undoubtedly a better deck. This is a gambling deck to get Sneak Attack, an ally, and Save the Day or Go Down Swinging in the same hand. When it all comes together, it feels great. Voltron and Sneak decks are way more fun for me.