Black Panther Alliance Group

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 149

Step 1. Be rich (Card Slots saved and Deck Thinning) Vibranium Shuri

Step 2. Have Rich Friends (Multiplayer functional) Cosmic Alliance Joining Forces

Step 3. Invest in yourself (Solo functional) Rapid Response Avengers Mansion Helicarrier Quincarrier Clarity of Purpose

Step 4. Buy more Friends The Triskelion Gamora

Step 5. Win as a team Team Training


Mar 26, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Daño: 3,9 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: Sobrepasado
Protección / sanación: Sobrepasado
Motor de robo: Sobrepasado
Control y estados: 4,5 sobre 5,0
Valor global del mazo: 4,2 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: 5,0 out of 5,0
Damage: 3,9 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: Overrun
Protection / Healing: Overrun
Steal Engine: Overrun
Control and statuses: 4,5 out of 5,0
Overall deck value: 4,2 out of 5,0

Mar 27, 2023 Starlordxx · 149

Thank @SpanishMalcolm you for the critique and the breakdown of the ratings. I appreciate your feedback!