Iron Man's Tech Swarm

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

swordgeo · 91

This deck is a near complete clone of this deck Read it to understand its function better. Also took some inspiration from this version

Basically the idea of this deck is to cram as many tech cards as we can get in here to maximize the hand size in hero mode, which I intend to flip to and stay in indefinitely after my first two turns which should get me 5-6 tech cards in play easily.

The secondary consideration for the deck is to pack in as many as possible to benefit Repulsor Blast.

I've made various changes to this deck which you can compare and contrast, with the most recent changes being inspired by

From the last version of this deck I'm dropping Victor Mancha and Defiance for Snowguard and Enhanced Reflexes. Victor was fine as a cheap tank, occasionally could take more than one hit. Snowguard will always take two hits if that's what I want, but can also be used for heavy hitting or thwarting as I wish. Enhanced Reflexes meanwhile is just a battery for when I have nothing better to do and I unluckily end up with a hand full of only bangers, helps me afford to slap more on the table.

I'm considering taking out Power of Protection. I was JUST okay with them at eight targets, but now it can hit only seven targets in the deck. If that number ever lowers again, I'll probably take out both for whatever else seems good.

Some other thoughts MCHREC brought to mind: Ever Vigilant could be a way to combo more with Repurpose and get a bit of extra thwarting, more hits for The Power of Protection but it's not . Probably still worth it. Preservation can help keep me in hero form a little longer, and still counts as