War is a universal language - protection heroic 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Guevarra82 · 7

It is a well rounded deck tested against expert and heroic version of Rhino, Klaw & Green Goblin.

With high initial hand draw, Carol Danvers alter-ego ability and Alpha Flight Station you’ll be able to put allies on the table, stun the villain and/or put some upgrades like Energy Barrier on your first turn.

The key strategic approach to this deck is flipping the hero card to alter-ego every now & then, get the cards you need and flip to hero again. Thanks to signature cards high burst damage is possible, this is combined with lots of stuns from Tackle and Iron Fist denying villain their attack.

In some games I switched Defensive Stance for Preemptive Strike

Be mindful that this deck mills itself quickly, so threat management becomes more important as the game unfolds.

I Hope you will have as much fun as I did with this Deck.
