Black Panther- Hit em back harder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 252

The idea behind this deck is to utilize black panthers retaliate and increase damage we deal back to the villain. By equipping Electrostatic Armor and having Energy Barrier out, black panther can deal 3 damage back for each defense! I have included the copies of Desperate Defense and Never Back Down to allow him to ready after defending as well. Jocastais in here to recycle those events as well. Brother Voodoo allows you to search for an event when he's brought into play. Getting Nerves of Steel out allows you to play his 1cost defense events for free. Unflappable allows you to draw a card each time you defend without taking damage and with the events most of your defenses will allow you to capitalize on that.

I haven't published too many decks and any feedback would be appreciated. Hope you enjoy this deck as much as I have.