Blue Streak Wrecking Weak

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rey Plays Games · 87

So this deck is specifically for the Wrecking Crew scenario, due to the lack of any cards specifically dealing with minions (because there aren't any) and the addition of cards to mitigate threat ( Smash the Problem ).

The recommendation is to try and build Quicksilver's ATK as soon as possible, but if you find Maximum Velocity in your hand, highly suggest you utilise it straight away.

You'll need to flip at least once, so don't let your health go too low, otherwise you may find an unlucky encounter card draw may end your game.

Endurance is added to ensure you stay healthy, and most important of all, make good use of Quicksilver"s inherent readying ability.

Remember, it's once per PHASE, so you can for example, hit for +8ATK ( Combat Training , 2 x Hand Cannon , Reinforced Sinew and Skilled Strike ) ready, then hit again for at least another +2ATK...and that's not even playing any event cards!

Also crucial to remember that the readying works at the villain phase don't hesitate to DEF as you can ready up straight away. This is particularly handy against the Wrecker as his attack increases by +2ATK if hero is undefended...

Quicksilver can thwart for 2THWT and that usually is enough, alongside Double Time and the aforementioned Smash the Problem to keep the threat low...

Hope you have fun with it, and like always the luck of the draw may influence the outcome...first time I played with this deck, I was down to just Wrecker and Thunderball, but I let my heath go too low, and indirect damage ended it...

Played again, and drew Brawn plus I kept my health in check...and it proved a comfortable victory the second time around....