Clandestine Cajun - Sneak Attack Gambit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Gambit's Tough Mutant Protectors 0 0 0 1.0

Ylitalo · 66

Disclaimer: This deck was designed for multiplayer and was only tested in multiplayer.

3-0 W/L Standard : 5-1 W/L Expert

This deck aims to block everything that hits the table. It will struggle with early game damage output and provides almost no thwarting:this slack will be picked up by the table which no longer has to worry about defense (and can deck build accordingly).

The main combo in the build revolves around Mutant Protectors and the various toughness allies.

Hangar Bay and Utopia provide additional action economy.


Gambit with the help of his Gambit's Guild Armor, Utopia, and defense events can deal with multiple other activations. Any allies with one health remaining can also be used to chump block.

Gambit will build a stack of counters on him as you usually only play attack events sporadically until the last two turns. These counters make Rogue consistently a free drop and will assist the other player(s) in rushing down the villain as you drop fully charged attacks in the last round(s).

Key cards to mulligan for: Utopia, Hangar Bay, Gambit's Guild Armor

Works well with building heros that can cover damage and thwarting (Quicksilver, Iron Man, etc.) but need time to setup an engine.