Spider-Woman's Herculean Effort

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 301

LCG Discord Card Spotlight


Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Hercules

First instinct is the Intangible Minion Collector Vision. However, I've done that already and Pinned Down exists. So I present Spider-Woman's Herculean Effort.



Angela & Looking for Trouble help accelerate minions to the board. Hope is to get as close to 6 as we can.


All those minions will pack a punch if we leave them out for too long, so we need to be able to nullify them. So starting from lowest to highest ATK, the deck has these options. 1 ATK minions:

  • Victor Mancha reduces all attacks he defends by 1.
  • Wolverine heals 1 damage a turn. 2 ATK Minions:
  • Pinned Down reduces minions ATK stat to 0
  • Warlock can heal himself for 2 every turn at the cost of per turn. 3+ ATK Minions:
  • Combinations of the above.
  • The Night Nurse is a great heal if you have to take the occasional single damage.
  • Med Team is great to heal your or allies that are taking more then they can take care of at an efficient cost. Additionally this is really good with Captain Marvel. Other:
  • Hangar Bay can turn Victor Mancha or Warlock into taking care of multiple 1 ATK minions per turn.


As is the goal of the deck, Hercules coming out for free (or real cheap). Additionally the deck packs 3x "Bring It!" to get to Hercules as well as Spider-Woman's powerful cards.


Thor is there to help clear the board if things start getting too rough. Quincarrier is a great way to pay for the ally costs on Thor & Warlock.


This one is pretty tight and the flex spots are probably matchup dependent. Thor is probably open to flexing if you have allies that can effectively clear things if you need.


Daredevil - We want the minions to stay on board and unfortunately Daredevil kills them.

Get Over Here! - Great addition if you are playing in a large group.