Colossus Phoenix Force Multiplayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RamistAR · 229

Colossus Phoenix Five


During the AvX event, Colossus became one of the five mutant hosts for the phoenix force.

In this form, he demonstrated the surprising ability to become a giant. He also had the classic Phoenix fire power. This deck illustrates those fire powers with Hand Cannon. They will also let you boost your attack power to giant proportions with Made of Rage and Follow Through.

But the phoenix is not only a force of destruction, it is also about rebirth. And Colossus also used his cosmic powers to heal the earth. After you destroy a minion with your giant overkill damage, heal yourself to full hp with a single Moment of Triumph.

Gameplay :

This is the multiplayer version of the deck. Check here for solo.

In multiplayer you have a good amount of time to set up and you might actually get 3 hand cannons in play with side holster and your 3 follow through.

Don't forget that you are the aggression player at the table, always exhaust for an attack.

Don't defend, your high hp, your tough cards and your protection teammate should be more than enough...

And when you are finally low on HP, go for that monumental moment of triumph + made of rage. Piotr's aspiring artist and assault training should make sure your get both cards when you need them.

How to always have a tough card for made of rage :

Don't forget that organic steel IS NOT a forced response, be smart.

Playing multiplayer has one very big advantage, the protection, justice and leadership players will help you manage your tough cards.

If the threat level allows it, just go into alter-ego to trigger steel skin next turn.

If you gain your tough during the villain phase with armor up, just ask the protection player or an expendable ally for a little help.

If like me you are a deviant that does not mind 50 cards deck in multiplayer, just add Invulnerability and get tough on your own.

Bug and Wolverine are actually Beat Cop. They will remove one threat and heal every turn. They will also help you remove tough cards from enemies. Fastball Special can get you a pretty good moment of triumph too, and it does not require a tough card. However you can't shuffle it back that easily.