SCL Season 15, Round 4 - Shadowcat Leadership vs Sabretooth/

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Shadowcat SCL15.4 Leadership (Ally Swarm with Mass Attack) 0 0 0 1.0

babycorn · 33

Shadowcat leadership vs Sabretooth/Acolytes/Brotherhood (Standard 1, Expert 1) in the Solo Champions League, Season 14, Round 4.

X-men ally swarm, utilising the cost discount from Uncanny X-Men, and Mass Attack, particularly with the retaliate from Sabretooth III. Band Together was great with the number of allies out, with Beast recurring the card as well.

Strategy was interesting on this one - do you save the jerk or not?! You need to defeat Sabretooth by turn 5, unless you're able to draw Medical Emergency to get another round in. Shadowcat's Airwalk and thwarting whilst phased to ignore the crisis icon on Find the Senator really helps to keep the threat down.

Finally Phased and Confused is great to buy you a couple of turns to stop Sabretooth healing as well.

Game 1 resulted in the main scheme 2 (but otherwise clean) win, and games 2/3 resulted in wins in main scheme 1 with 1 threat.


Jul 12, 2023 pendin · 21

Unfortunately, I do not think Uncanny X-Men works for the second part (allies cost -1) because Robert Kelly is one of your characters, and doesn't share the X-Men trait.

Jul 15, 2023 babycorn · 33

You’ll be able to get a discount from Uncanny X-men if you do not rescue Robert Kelly, which is definitely a worthwhile strategy to use during this round.