Endless Fangs (1.0) - Black Widow/Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Black Widow - Subtle Like An Axe 0 0 0 1.0
Black Widow Défense agressive (avec une hache) 0 0 0 11.0

ImpossibleGerman · 14688

Death By 1,000 Bites

Natasha Romanoff is one of the most versatile heroes in the game, bringing a ton of flexibility in her hero deck and boasting obvious synergies across every aspect.

In Leadership, Rapid Response and it's well-documented strength form the core concept of a strong (and fun- check out my build here) playstyle. Synth-Suit makes Protection sing all by itself, and our dear friend Agent Coulson gives Justice it's juice. These decks are tried and true ways to play Widow and already well-regarded by the community.

This leaves Aggression as the odd man out. Counterattack didn't exactly set the world on fire, despite it being a totally solid card. It's a Preparation, of course, makes it ideal for Natasha, but unlike the other potential cornerstones of a Widow deck it's not the kind of card that screams to be built around. Starting with Black Widow's hero cards and then throwing in 3x Counterattack is problematic, because the rest of the deck is just less obvious.

Because of this, it took me a while to understand what synergies Black Widow needed to lean into to make Aggression work, but the solution should have been obvious from the start.

Somebody needs to get this woman an axe.

When Subtlety Fails

We all know Black Widow is supposed to be a deeply clever, brains over brawn type of character, but there's really no reason why the boys should get to have all the weapon-based fun. This deck is about handing her Jarnbjorn and watching the fireworks.

Surprise, Black Widow is positively loaded down with attacks. Dance of Death is an attack. Attacrobatics- right there in the name. Widow's Bite too. Do you see where I'm going with this? All of these cards are potential Jarnbjorn triggers, and triggering Jarnbjorn as many times as possible is a recipe for great damage. The math here, 1 resource for 2 damage, is exceptional.

By the way, assuming you can afford it, the answer is "Yes, you CAN trigger Jarnbjorn 3 separate times when you play Dance of Death". Does that sound like something you want to do? It is. You want to do that.

There's also an advantage to doing damage this way that's not talked about enough in Champions, which is that small increments of damage are almost always better than huge chunks. AOE cards, like Ground Stomp or Energy Daggers, become better when they do the precise amount of damage it takes to get tons of minions off the board in one play. Huge hitting cards, the Hulk Smashs and Swinging Web Kicks of the world, shine with clear boards so they can go right at the big baddie. Aside from attacks with overkill, having to use a big swing to take out a problematic minion like Scorpion or Madame Hydra is rough.

Black Widow is already one of the most reliable sources of ping damage in the game thanks to Widowmaker. Supplementing those 1 damage pings with consistent 2 damage pings from Jarnbjorn gives Black Widow incredible damage flexibility, letting her tee up board clears from things like Lightning Strike or Shield Toss, or just consistently chip at the villain to end the game faster.

Rounding Out The Plan

Like combos? Toe to Toe is here because it gives Synth Suit opportunities to trigger on Widow's player turn via Counterattack and Attacrobatics. Those are both attacks by the way, which means you get to trigger Jarnbjorn again. It's as fun as it sounds.

Brawn feeds right into the incremental game we want to be playing anyway, and Sentry is here because he's, uh, really strong. He gives Aggression the juice it needs to handle solo play and Heroic mode.

As mentioned before, the name of the game is to use your wealth of to keep swinging that axe, placing the damage as smartly as you can to feed Dance of Death and your teammate's attacks. Efficiency is a huge part of being good at Marvel Champions, and few decks can deal damage as consistently or efficiently as this one.

Make Them Feel Your Sting

Black Widow is one of the best heroes available to Champions players. Like my other favorite, Captain America, she can slot into any team in any aspect and contribute greatly to the win. Aggression might be her most underrated aspect, but make no mistake- Natasha has all the tools she needs to slip through the battlefield, put the hurt where it's needed most, and capitalize on the damage done.

Happy hunting.


+1 Down Time

-1 Counterattack


Aug 25, 2020 OrionJA · 8

This looks like a lot of fun. My first instinct, though, would be to cut 1 or 2 of the Counter-Attacks and replace them with Downtime, which is also a physical resource.

3x Counterattack looks like a problem to me because you can only have 1 on the board at a time, and you can't realistic use multiples back to back. Black Widow only has 9 health unless she gets out her Endurance, and to get good value out of Counter-attack, you want to be taking 4 or 5 damage hits. This means that after you use the first counter-attack you need to flip back to alter-ego and recover before you can Counter-Attack again. But, if you're flipping alter-ego anyway, you can the Safe House to retrieve the Counter-Attack you just used, so I really don't see the need for 3 copies.

Aug 25, 2020 gustave154 · 22

Now this is a nice combo deck worth playing for. Only issue is getting Jarbjorn early but its a great deck nonetheless

Aug 25, 2020 ImpossibleGerman · 14688

@OrionJAUpon further testing today I have in fact cut a Counter-Attack for a Down Time. Good eye.

Feb 21, 2021 szuper · 1

Hey, based on the latest packs (until Scarlet Wich), what would you change? Thanks in advance.

Feb 21, 2021 OrionJA · 8

There's a new Preparation card in red, Lie in Wait. It's solid enough that I'd probably run at least one, maybe 2. It's a little easier to use than Counterattack is, but it's not a physical resource card. There's a potentially interesting attack called Press the Advantage that draws a card if you target a confused or stunned enemy. Widow has 2 confuses and 2 stuns in her card set, so if you're also teaming up with someone who has a few, it could be fairly consistent.

Other than that, the constraints of being a Jarnbjorn deck mean there isn't a ton to change here, because only a few new physical resource cards have come out. The most interesting one is probably Miles Morales.

May 03, 2021 Graceclaw · 27

I tried to make my own Black Widow Aggro and got absolutely demolished by Expert Klaw w/Band of Badoon 2x.

Switch to this one, almost lose immediately, but claw my way back over the course of 2 hours and kill his final form in 1.5 turns.

Just goes to show how tenacious Widow is and how many tools this deck gives her to play with. As soon as I had an opening, I blew him sky high. MVP cards were Covert Ops and Sentry, though Jarn got a little bit of play of course.

I'd be interested to see what your thoughts are on Lie in Wait - I barely utilized counterattack in this one situation.