Captain America and the Expendables

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pickleman · 8

Using only Wave 1 cards. I was able to clear The Rise of Red Skull on Expert true solo fairly easily with this.

The deck focuses on getting out cheap, Avenger Allies and using Lead from the Front to pump out serious damage. Often you can one-shot the villain this way.

Strength In Numbers allows you to cycle the deck and find the cards you need while you play for the big turns.

Even if you find your Lead from the Fronts early or at the wrong times, Cap's base card set is extremely powerful. Heroic Strike is particularly bonkers and can help you out of many sticky situations. It was likely the right move to play it whenever it came around.

Most cards are cheap, I found the resource and economy cards to be more than enough to sustain the cards we're playing. Feel free to spend Allies to pay for things and then Make the Call to bring them back when you need them later.

Mulligan to get at least one ally in your opening hand to play with Steve's ability to reduce cost. Look for resource generators/economy cards early on too like Super-Soldier Serum, Quincarrier, and Avengers Tower