The Domino Effect

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PhoenixForceRising · 2

Hope you’re ready for a Domino-trix! Note: This deck was tested against Expert Brotherhood.

The key to this deck is understanding she WILL flip between Hero and Alter-Ego frequently. The more you can accomplish in Alter-Ego, the better so you can get key cards (like Jackpot) back in your hand.

Consider this situation I’ve had happen multiple times:

  • Defeat Call for Backup to play Caliban.

  • Use Caliban to add Beast to your hand.

  • This has the potential to discard a LOT of cards, especially if Beast is in your discard. Along the way you will likely pick up some Digging Deep resources and possibly White Fox to automatically put into play. If you have Painted Lady out, save Thwart cards, Luck Be A Lady, The Posse, or resource cards as you discard.

  • Play Beast to locate Jackpot!

  • Either use Jackpot to play another card or trade with the top of your deck. Use a card which counts resources for an easy 3 or Luck Be a Lady to have three actions take place.

Ready to Rumble is nice so she can heal in Alter-Ego as needed, but can be taken out.

Use Med Lab and Rapid Response to make access to Beast and Caliban easier.