The Domino Effect v1.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Raxle · 70

Hi ! 1st of all, english is not my native language so thank you for your kindness.

This is my test version of an agressive Domino.

Here is some explanation of how I see those cards :

The Painted Lady A key card to me. Allow you to discard cards from Domino' deck without fearing to loose important set up. Can catch the discarded card AND send it to your hand if you are in AE. To set up as soon as possible.

Pip the Pug : For the very same reason. Helps you getting back some important set up at the beginning of the game, ressource supplier in late game.

Why Fusillade? Sometimes you just dont want to trigger the Domino's Pistol effect. Fusillade is a good option then.

Battle Fury : Since Domino gets a high basic defense value of 3, that can get up to 4, 5 or even 6 with Probability Field, you will defend. So Battle Fury is a good option to get ready. AND since Probability Field has not exhausting problem, you can use it again to attack ! Hence Combat Training and Skilled Strike. Dont worry about the 1 point damage, you will spend a lot of time in AE and with Down Time you'll recover fast.

Of course, dont forget to use the Jackpot loop (Spend Jackpot, switch to AE, get it back, spend it, get it on the top of your deck with Pip, discard it with a ally effect for example, DONT trigger his response, grab it with The Painted Lady AND send it to your hand ! Wow ! 3 uses of Jackpot in a turn and effect triggered with it).

The Diamondback effect at last : When Diamondback is damaged, with 1 hp left, and you get Pip on the table and Jackpot! in your hand. Swap Jackpot. Trigger Diamondback. Deal 3 dmg to the table. Switch to AE. Get Diamondback back. Pip Jackpot. Trigger Diamondback again. Congrats, you've just cleaned the table of mostly all minions. (Thanks to @Man-Is-Obsolete for the tricks).

Feel free to try it and tell me what you think.

Thanks !