The 3D Effect (Domino’s Desperate Defense)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The 3D Effect (Domino’s Desperate Defense) 0 0 0 1.0

JohnnyBravo530 · 39

Very simple and fun deck to better understand how Domino works. Get Probability Field out as soon as possible. Defend with Domino. And keep her readying up to attack and thwart.

There are 9 ways to do this. 3x Desperate Defense, 3x What Doesn't Kill Me 1x The Posse, and 2x Indomitable. The Posse is a great card when it works but, most of the time, you will rely on the other 8 or 20% of your deck. In theory, you should have one of these every time you draw your hand size.

White Fox and 3x Digging Deep should be used with Domino’s hero ability to place at the top of her deck to discard into your hand when possible. This will get you an extra card.

Use Build Support to grab Helicarrier and Superpower Training for Probability Field. Domino’s Pistol is a solid backup in case you already have PF out.

In my handful of games testing the deck, I have not spent a lot of time in Alter Ego so Pip the Pug was not as valuable for me as for others. I would use him as needed to put Jackpot! back into my deck if it got spent from my hand. Also, The Painted Lady was not a priority either. Maybe I don’t understand the value.

The rest of the cards help to build on her health, defense and to gain resources. She should have enough healing to keep her from flipping down in most games.

Probability Field makes or breaks this deck. As I am undefeated against all the new Next Evolution villains (on standard for now) with it being out but struggle or have lost a few when it’s not.

When this deck is playing at its peak you should be defending 8-9 damage (3 starting defense, 1 armored vest, 2-3 probability field discard (wild, double, Jackpot!), 2 desperate defense) plus automatically ready up for the attack.


Aug 23, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 3927

I would make room or run as a 41st, Electrostatic Armor. Defending as much as you plan and pinging one damage each time would be great “free” damage and a tough killer.

Aug 23, 2023 JohnnyBravo530 · 39

Thanks for the tip. Makes a lot of sense. I could even take out 1 Indomitable and still have 8 ways to ready.