Hulk Digs Deepest

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 5361

Hulk is not bad. Hulk is Hulk.

  • Thwarting is bad. Punch the villain in the face.
  • Call for Aid gets you at best 3 net resources in hand and White Fox for free. Sometimes you just get Blade which is also ok. If you already have discarded Him and Digging Deep, Call for Aid is still a fist resource.
  • Blade can take the second Clarity of Purpose for more resource generation.
  • Face tank as much as you can. Chump block only when necessary.
  • Sometimes decking out is good to reset the combo.
  • Any upgrades out makes it easier to secure the goal, playing both Hulk Smash. Playing 2 Hulk events in a turn is a win in its own right.
  • Hulk