Ms. Marvel - true solo - expert mode

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jonz · 1


If you want to get easy wins without thinking too much or are a new player, there are better decks out there for you to try.

Be prepared for long, nail-biting games, where you'll have to give your best. But that's what being a hero means.


I'm a huge fan of Ms. Marvel. Her gameplay is flavourful and interesting. She's my favourite hero to play (Black Widow being a close second).

Problem is : she's not very strong. More accurately, she was not very strong.

The Hulk pack gave her (and Aggression in general) some really great tools, so it was time for some heavy smashing again.

My deck's design is very simple, and probably many of you MM-fan brothers have come up with something similar.

I tested it in a series of BO3 (initially with 2 x Uppercut instead of 2 x Drop Kick), and it worked great :

Standard (with the recommended modular set):

  • beat Rhino 2-0
  • beat Klaw 2-0
  • beat Ultron 2-0
  • beat Mutagen 2-0

Expert (with the recommended modular sets) :

  • beat Rhino 2-0
  • lost 2-1 to Klaw. Then Drop Kicks replaced Uppercuts and I won the return match 2-0
  • beat Ultron 2-0 (did a rematch and won 2-1)
  • beat Mutagen 2-0 (did a rematch and won 2-0)

All the games in expert (and some standard too) were pretty close. I find it highly rewarding when you win a super complicated game while finding the perfect sequence of actions over multiple turns.

TBH, I have been pleasantly surprised with the results, and even with a decent number of games I might still have been lucky at some points.

I strongly suggest getting used to the deck in standard mode.

Of course, there are much better decks overall in the current meta, and MM is still not that strong, but at least I'm super happy to have a decent deck that I really enjoy playing.

If you decide to try it, I hope you will have great success. I would also be pleased to hear about the improvements you made, and the tricks you found. Finally, the most important thing : please let me know if you enjoy playing the deck, win or lose.
