Going All Out With a Side Of Pheromones

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BoardGameKid · 68

This is a fun deck that me and my dad made. The main goal is play as many low cost cards as possible. When doing this with Finesse and One Way or Another you can have turns where you get up to +6 +6 +6 and you do 18 damage with Go All Out, then ready with Self-Propelled Glide or Earth's Mightiest Heroes and thwart or deal even more damage. Overall it ends up being great for solo where you can thwart and do massive amounts of damage. Highly effective and really fun to use. You will want to be flipping to Alter-Ego pretty much every turn.

Since made edits.

-1 skilled investigator

+1 symbiote suit