Captain America "Lost in Time"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kingbarbarossa · 43

This deck is based on Cap's "I Can Do This All Day!" action and his 2 THW. Unassisted, Cap can peel 4 away from the scheme per turn with one card, which is pretty great. BUT, with Heroic Intuition, that changes to 6. With Fearless Determination, it's a whopping 8 off a ~1 card cost (FD draws a card, nulling it's card cost). So why bother with For Justice!, when I can get 3 THW just off discarding a card? I've replaced For Justice! with Tenacity, which can be activated with Super-Soldier Serum, and is more flexible for the big turns. Between Tenacity, Cap's action and FD, cap could potentially knock out 12 threat in one activation with ~one card played from hand. Combine this with Cap's already high survivability, and Cap can functionally freeze the game's clock, allowing him to slow roll his way to victory or paving the way for an ally to attack unchecked.