Bishop- Pay to Win- Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Insanohops · 57

Idea: Load up with resources and sinks, get everything on the table and then win! The general goal of this deck is to take advantage of Bishop's hero ability to face tank an activation and block for a friend in multiplayer and then have so much resource in hand that you can still heal up to full health. Late game this is easy because your whole deck is on the table other than your 6 signature events and your 12 resources. Ideally, you take about 10 damage a round when totally set up this will allow you to grab just about all of you resources out of your deck to fully heal after the last attack you take, while simultaneously charging up your hand for a 12 damage shot with your rifle. Before being able to pay for all of your events as well as have good resource sinks for your remaining cards, such as signature allies, plan b, Machine man, Hawkeye and two copies of Super-Charged. While you are planning on taking a lot of attacks, due to your Bishop's Uniform and incredible healing it provides with this deck late, you only have to be afraid that you don't get one shot which won't happen because once you are fully set-up you have 29 health.

Setting up: It may seem daunting to think about trying to get just about every card you have on the table, but since Bishop can run so much resource it can actually happen a lot faster than you would imagine. Your first run through your deck you really don't want to play your events unless there's nothing else to do with your resource or you really need to for game state. Don't worry if you have to chump early with your allies. But as soon as you get Bishop's Uniform and a safe health pool you really rather be taking the hits yourself and building them up. All your allies are all immortal with kits except machine man which is why the innovation is in the deck, late game you should be cycling your deck so fast that this will keep him alive. Rapid Response is there for emergency chumping and keeping the hero from going back in the deck. Hawkeye is your preferred target for that as everyone else will be getting upgrades slapped on them.

The Payoff: Once in full swing you will be tanking and then healing up to 12 damage every turn if the damage goes a little over that don't worry your health pool is 29. Turning around to do 12 damage just by exhausting Bishop's Rifle. Having Machine Man at 5/5 then healing with Innovation. Having Malcolm and Randall at 4/3 and 3/4 then healing and readying. Hawkeye firing for 2 and no consequential. Both Super-Charged fully loaded ready to dole out 16 more damage. Plan B to toss for 2 more damage. Enough resource to play your events which remember will be grabbing you 2 cards and give you two readies. Each ready is worth a little more because you have Symbiote Suit. That's 65 damage you can be doing a turn late, the only bummer will be you will probably only get to do it once before the Villain is defeated. Note (this is the damage that is sustainable if you use second actions on allies and Sharpshooter you can be doing even more damage a turn).

Tips: You want to keep your allies alive remember you can use Malcolm and Randall ability to heal them and ready them but if you don't use the second action they will never die from consequential damage. Having minions with you late is not a bad thing at all and will probably just help you get all of your resource in hand to heal for 12 damage every turn, minion damage is mostly predictable so you can plan use that to help you optimally use your hero ability. Take Front Line Specialist with Specialized Training. Both the hit points are very welcome and you will be planning to take at least one attack every round, which is one more card. Late game you will be getting a lot of encounter cards but that is okay because once you are set-up you can almost completely focus on thwarting while still doing insane damage. While Energy Conversion can be useful early to both help not get decimated by a big attack and get your resource back in your deck, you probably don't want to use it late because you rather take the damage which you will just heal anyways and then get to hit back with your rifle for every resource card in your hand (which if you're doing it right will be close to 12 every round). Bishop's Rifle can trigger Sharpshooter but this is more situational if you really need a little extra damage or help early as late game you probably don't need the damage and you rather draw a card you would flip anyway because you are probably holding all of your resource any way. It isn't the most useful card in the deck but you get to keep it on the table and it definitely can come in handy.

Finally: This is my first write-up sorry I know it isn't the best formatted but I hope it at least got the general idea across. I have been excited for this champion since I saw his preview. And I hope this deck can get some of you excited too. Bishop will probably be strong in all of the aspects and I am looking forward to trying him with other decks as well, but if you end up trying this one out let me know how it goes for you! This deck was specifically designed for 2 player games (I mostly just play with my wife). But I think it will be just as good in a bigger game and do very well solo as well. Let me know what you guys think!


Mar 31, 2024 dr00 · 43738

hey, great first write-up! if it helps, if you type #, it'll bring up all the cards and you can link them directly. also $ for symbols.

and yeah, i'm really thinking i need to test out Symbiote Suit with him! it just never crossed my mind haha, but the extra health pool would definitely go a long way

Apr 01, 2024 Insanohops · 57

Thanks! I’ll have to try that out. Let me know how it goes for you with suit and uniform you’re pseudo invincible so I don’t think the extra encounter card is really a problem.

Apr 27, 2024 banshee · 1

Nice write up. Quick question when you were talking about healing/keeping Malcom and Randall alive? If they are at one health left, can you use their ability to heal them without readying?

Apr 27, 2024 Insanohops · 57

Good question. To my understanding of the ability rules you cannot, so I keep this in mind when deciding if the action bringing them to one remaining health point is worth it. I could be wrong, the rules surrounding activating abilities if they “ wouldn’t change the game state” seem to have caused more than a little confusion throughout this games life.