Paging Dr. Bishop!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rossimar · 2

This resource heavy deck allows Bishop to stay on his Hero side without wasting his turn defending. He should be able to take a lot of damage head on and mitigate its impact through Bishop's Uniform and Energy Conversion. Protection gives him access to more direct healing events and support cards. He may be able to heal other players or his allies too.

Getting Bishop's Rifle and Bishop's Uniform out early really helps, so Superpower Training was included to help you find those cards as early as possible.

Once both of those upgrades are in place, Bishop will be able to do damage and heal each turn based off how many resource cards are in hand.

There are only a couple allies included so that most resources can be devoted to Super-Charged. Lockjaw can be played from Bishop’s discard pile, so he can be a useful way to spend some resources that would otherwise be wasted. White Fox can be a free ally if she happens to be discarded during Bishop’s Energy Absorption ability.