Con of Heroes 2024 - Accelerating Adam Warlock's Molecules

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 650

Deck number 9 in my Con of Heroes 2024 series brings the first build around deck for the Adam Warlock ally. Last year I took a Rogue deck of this type so it seems fitting that my first one of these this year is a Gambit deck.

The Adam Warlock ally has the interesting feature that if your discarded card has two or more different printed resources, you get to trigger each respective ability, where a double resource does not allow you to trigger the same one twice. In the game we have a handful of heroes that have resources cards with two or more printed resources, such as Rocket, Bishop, Domino, the upcoming Jubilee and the hero for this deck, Gambit.

The gameplan

  • Get Adam Warlock into play and feed him that sweet Molecular Acceleration to clear threat and heal the heroes
  • Honorary X-Men on Adam Warlock can combine with X-Mansion to keep him on the board for a nice long time
  • When you have 4+ counters, Suit Up can be used to tutor and play rogue for only 2 effective resources.
  • Mutant Education can cycle your copies of Molecular Acceleration back into the deck
  • When you use Suit Up, you don't need to play the upgrade. You can just treat it as a resource when appropriate.
  • Because of all the flipping you want to do and because Adam Warlock will do so much identity healing for you, Weapon X is a great resource engine.
  • Beast is yet another way to get Molecular Acceleration back into your hand to use with Adam Warlock

My Con of Heroes 2024 decks

Valkyrie (hero):

Adam Warlock (hero):

Adam Warlock (ally)

Wolverine Ally:
