She-Hulk: Uses the law, but also.. she's mad

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Misty24 · 20

First deck, any advice welcome! I'm really happy with this deck though, at least on standard mode I can generally beat each hero I've played with it so far. Enhanced awareness helps to fund superhuman law division and save cards. Enhanced physique can help fund tenacity, too. I usually use it solo, but have used it paired with an aggression hero and it worked well!


Jul 05, 2024 TheMaskedHero · 87

Okay. So I tried the deck out, against a Taskmaster mod that may have been stronger than expected (I added Legions of Hydra in place of the Weapon Master). And trying to make updates without adding other packs, in an effort to give productive feedback. I think there is not enough lump thwarting to justify Turn the Tide, I ended up switching them to more For Justice!, as it felt like it was going to add consistency. I do think Enhanced Awareness and Enhanced Physique are the easiest thing to also upgrade. If you have or can get Resourceful, it may serve the purpose you had those two in the deck for. Even if it just gets pitched from hand, as a wild, it can hit Superhuman Law Division and Tenacity. I think the best goal here is make any upgrades in the name of consistency. Because I think you have something fun here.

Jul 05, 2024 TheMaskedHero · 87

I also now that I overlooked Quincarrier, that's probably the resource upgrade you want. In the short term, the Enhanced pieces are good. But if you make this one of your common rotation, it can be a goal to visualize.

Jul 07, 2024 Misty24 · 20

@TheMaskedHeroThanks so much for your feedback! I think that's very fair to swap turn the tide for two more for justice and I understand that reasoning. That's a great idea re Resourceful - I'll need to do this once I have hulk's pack!