Mayhem at the Mall

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jubilee | Floats my Boat | Solo or Two Player 0 0 0 3.0

Lohshun · 250

Marvel's mall rat is on the scene!


Jubilee's an incredibly versatile hero who can fit pretty comfortably in a number of builds & aspects, but she shines her brightest when you can quickly and easily clear her signature side scheme Shopping Spree and get her powerful items online.

Eager to go shopping? Let's break down what this deck aims to achieve:

Shopping Spree

From the very first turn of the game, Shopping Spree can be fished out of your deck and placed using Jubilee's alter-ego action. Remember that this is only possible if the side scheme is in her deck, so be careful not to mulligan it away.

Without any extra help, two alter-ego actions can clear the side scheme, but we want to shop as efficiently as possible, so grabbing a Disguise as efficiently as possible allows us to clear the scheme much faster. Aim to hard mulligan for this card on turn 1, as getting it guarantees a free item in your first turn. Even in a solo game, it's worth keeping a second copy in the deck just to improve that turn one draw chance.

We have three primary targets for our shopping sprees: Jubilee's Coat and Jubilee's Sunglasses are top priority as they offer quick returns with all the events Jubilee likes to spam. Finally, we have a single copy of Cell Phone as an additional target when we have our other items online. Feel free to use its charges liberally, as cheating it out in future turns is quite easy once you're set up. In multiplayer games where your friendly heroes have items of their own that they want, share the shopping fever with that second disguise!

Getting Educated

With Shopping Spree only being fetchable when it's in our deck, we will often want to cycle it back into our deck to get our items on board as fast as possible. This is where Mutant Education comes in. Using this event, we can easily cycle the side scheme back into our deck and fish it out using Jubilation Lee's ability- no additional draws needed.

Mutant Education's partner card, X-Mansion is also a great add here. With how regularly Jubilee likes to flip to AE, it's easy to get the free healing. With how squishy Jubilee can be, it makes a big difference while affording us some extra card draw through our education plays.

Naturally, we'll run out of items fairly quickly. Worry not, Mutant Education still offers mega value for Jubilee, who loves to play her events as often as possible. Use the card to ensure your stuns and confuses are right where needed.

A Resource Rainbow

Jubilee's events are her bread and butter, and offer the most value when spending different resources to pay their costs. We already have 3 different Plasmoid Energy to help fill those costs, ensuring Jubile has a range of resource types available at any time ensures you're always getting the most value out of your plays.

We aim to build Jubilee decks with a balanced spread of different resources, but there's plenty we can do to beat bad luck. Jubilee's Hero action allows us to exhaust Jubilee to generate a resource whenever we need one. You'll use this often, but think of this as a backup when you can't fill your resource needs through your other sources. With Jubilee spending as much time as she does in AE, X-Gene is another generator we can rely on. Wild resources work really well for Jubilee's hero cards, but keep in mind that they don't work the same for other cards like Multitalented and Husk.

We're also including 1 copy each of Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Awareness & Enhanced Physique in our build. With other heroes, these cards are mildly useful, but in Jubilee's hands they quickly make a huge impact by filling out your missing resource types. Use them wisely and they'll put in a ton of work!

Multitalented, Multitasking

Our other two event additions to Jubilee's already event-heavy build, Multitalented and Multitasking are both powerful adds to our build, allowing us to get extra uses out of Jubilee's items. As both an attack and thwart event, Multitalented allows us to trigger both of Jubilee's items at once, while capitalising on our varied setup of resource types. The 2 healing also has the potential to come in clutch with how vulnerable our hero is. Don't underestimate this card!

Shopping is More Fun with Friends!

Husk is a welcome addition to our build here, allowing us to capitalise even further on our diverse resources. Once she's on board, she can potentially stay there forever if used efficiently.

Given how many confuses Jubilee has in her kit, Cypher and Chamber both slot in very easily. Using Mutant Education, we have even more control over how often we get our confuse events in hand.


Jul 19, 2024 ErnerDragoon · 1

This looks great! My copy's arrived today, will be giving this a shot.

Jul 19, 2024 gutbomb · 1

Fairly new to the game but I assume Disguise does not also trigger "Like, Totally" correct? they are separate triggers?

Jul 19, 2024 Dansome · 1

@gutbomb They are separate, yes.

Each "cost" (before the arrow) must be played separately.

Jul 19, 2024 Xzizor · 1

Can you please explain how disguise would clear the mall side scheme? Doesn’t the scheme say that it can’t be cleared by allies or heroes?

Jul 19, 2024 Thoriak · 1

Disguise is an action, which means that it can be used in Alter-ego, which is the only way to use it to remove threat on the Shopping Spree Player Side scheme.

Jul 19, 2024 Xzizor · 1

@Thoriak Got it. Thank you!

Jul 19, 2024 zenxacred · 1

@XzizorYou would use it in Alter-Ego.

Jul 19, 2024 Webhead123 · 1

Just a clarification: I think wild resources are viable for cards like Multitalented and Husk. According to the RRG v1.5:

-"When a player generates a wild resource, they may specify which resource type (energy, mental, physical, or wild) it is being used as."

-"When resources are not being generated for a cost, a wild resource does not have any characteristic other than “wild resource.”

In both cases, spent resources are paying for a cost (either the cost of the card itself or the cost of the ability listed before the cost arrow. So, you can use wilds to trigger specific effects on either card.

Jul 19, 2024 gavhriel · 1

Correct me if I’m wrong but when paying for a card or ability cost, wild resources can be declared as any type. For reference:

“When a player generates a wild resource they may specify which resource type (energy, mental, physical, or wild) it is being used as.”

So when you pay for Multitalented or for Husk ability with a wild you can declare it as any of the other three types, because you generate the resource. It’s not like Legion ability that cause you to discard (and wilds do jacks##t)

Jul 19, 2024 Webhead123 · 1

You make a good point about Multitalented having both the Attack and Thwart traits and thus getting value from both her signature upgrades. Combined with the versatility, I'm gonna have to see how to reorganize my own deck to fit it in.

I originally considered Multitasking for Jubes but being only a 1-cost event, it doesn't quite sing for me in combo-ability like a 2-cost thwart event does. Same with Clear the Area.

Jul 19, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8448

Hit and Run may have uses in the same way as a poor-man's version of Multitalented with both attack and thwart tags

Jul 19, 2024 Webhead123 · 1

Indeed. For Jubilee, Hit and Run definitely plays second fiddle to Multitalented but being a basic card means it's just an extra option that would pair decently with her no matter what aspect you're trying to build around.

Jul 19, 2024 Thoriak · 1

Also, a nice card for Jubilee is Passion for Justice, since it is a Ressource and can add 1 to the threat your event is removing. So you are almost guaranteed to be having three different symbol playing your event, unless your other two are the same!

Sep 24, 2024 jerpanic · 14

Thanks for sharing this! I actually pulled out all of the yellow cards you listed, as side from the allies. This deck has encouraged me to use the yellow X-Men. I haven’t used them yet. I will be adding Dazzler most likely.