Blue Martyr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Red Martyr 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

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Deck concept

This is the second of two decks I'm publishing which combine Martyr with Hangar Bay. The first one is at and uses aggression. The concept of both decks is that as Martyr will ready after defending an attack due to Hangar Bay, she will be able to defeat another minion and get a new tough card the very next turn, completely locking out the villain's attack. This doesn't seem wildly innovative to me, but at the time of writing there are less than a dozen decks combining these two cards here on MarvelCDB, and none of them involve Spider-Woman.

Martyr and Hangar Bay are obviously both green cards, but with her native 2 ATK Martyr can't really expect to knock out many minions in a single attack without help. The other deck in this series is all about Energy Spear, but this deck uses blue cards to get quicker set-up, accepting that means we have to downgrade the spear to a Laser Blaster

Card choices

So this deck is all about Hangar Bay and Martyr, but it attempts to mitigate the slow set-up time of the red/green version with Strength In Numbers and some card-drawing allies. Obviously we need some healing to keep Martyr in play. Ideally we also want to get Captain Marvel into play and heal her too, since she adds very valuable card draw. While trading in the Energy Spear of the red/green version for a Laser Blaster is a pretty clear downgrade, having an Inspired available for Captain Marvel is a pretty useful upgrade.

A deck with two 4-cost allies, some 3-cost supports and other bits and pieces to get into play obviously isn't a quick starter, and this is where the blue cards we've added to this version of the deck come in. Call for Backup gets one of the key allies into play more flexibly and with less of a tempo hit, since we can play it at one time and defeat it at another when we can afford to do so. Strength In Numbers, Kaluu, and Maria Hill all add card draw which both helps to find the key pieces quickly, and to afford them.

Playing the deck

The aim with this deck is to take as many hits as possible with Martyr. Bear in mind that if she uses a tough card to absorb consequential damage, her response can't go off even if she has defeated a minion, so while you can attack the villain with her while she is tough, it is usually a waste to leave that card on her at the end of the villain phase. Captain Marvel removes six threat and draws 2 cards for every medical counter you use on her so she also adds a lot of efficiency if you can get her Inspired.

Muster Courage and Contaminant Immunity add extra tough cards when there isn't a handy minion around.

In Hero form, any of your key pieces takes effectively your whole hand to play, and Captain Marvel can't even benefit from Finesse, so early in the game it is helpful to get into alter-ego as much as possible to draw extra cards from Jessica Drew's Apartment and accelerate your way to getting both main allies down. Spider-Woman is great at confusing the villain (unless they're stalwart), so you should be able to do it without too much risk. Remember that you don't have to be in hero form to use Strength In Numbers.

Once you've gotten set up, play every Med Team you see, and use Spider-Woman to chip away at the villain. With her readies and Venom Blast she can do quite a lot, and with Muster Courage available you can also use Martyr to hit the villain for 5 if there's no minion around.

How to lose with this deck

By playing with this deck rather than the red/green version you have given up the fantastic Piercing keyword on Energy Spear for the rather less compelling Overkill on Laser Blaster, so this isn't the version to take against a scenario full of tough minions, and while the set-up is quicker with this version, it still isn't lightning-fast to get both those key allies and their upgrades and supports all into play.

Compared to the red/green version we also have no way of bringing out minions when we want them, as we've lost Angela and Looking for Trouble.

That means that if you don't lean into this deck's specific advantages - mainly Strength In Numbers and Call for Backup - it is essentially just a worse version of the other one, so a good way to lose with this deck is just to minimise you use of those cards.


This deck is more effective in true solo expert than the red/green version because although it has a lower ceiling, it also has a lower floor.