Aerial Dominance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ronin_K · 168

I have been trying to make a Rogue deck that accomplishes the following:

1.) Be relatively straight forward and not require multiplayer.

2.) Do Rogue things (flying, punching things really hard, etc.)

3.) Have good cost efficiency (On the surface, Rogue's kit is very expensive for what it does.)

Well, I think I have finally found the deck that checks all of those boxes, so let's have a look:

1.) Be relatively straight forward and not require multiplayer.

This deck actually makes Touched a pretty straightforward mechanic, and only requires you to make the following check at the start of your turn:

Do you have a Taunt in your hand AND EITHER a Tough token, Nightcrawler in play, or Bulletproof Belle in your hand?

  • If yes, use Touched on the Villain.
  • If no, use Touched on an Ally either in play or after playing one.

There are a few more high level decisions that can be made, but 90% of the time that is main check you need at the start of your turn.

2.) Do Rogue things (flying, punching things really hard, etc.)

After making that check at the start of your turn, if you are now touching an ally... Congratulations you can fly! This unlocks so many options for Rogue. Seriously, it's ridiculous how much power Rogue gains from Aerial (see number 3).

3.) Have good cost efficiency.

Rogue is notorious for being overpriced, but Aerial does so much work here, and actually makes Rogue ahead of the cost curve.

NOTE - During mulligan/early game, try your best to get the following into play: Allies: Forge - to go get X-Jet

Synch - Giving Rogue a constant Aerial target and +1 to any stat is amazing.

Supports: The X-Jet - Having a wild resource every turn is always good.

Team-Building Exercise - Reduces the cost of The X-Jet, Utopia, any Ally, and if touching an ally Ever Vigilant.

Upgrades: Any of them. Really, they are all incredibly useful.

So now let's look at the stats, and let's assume that you only have 2 of your 4 resource generators in play and are now touching an ally (which is actually pretty easy to do).

With Team-Building Exercise, now Ever Vigilant only costs 1 from hand...for a ready and 2 thwart!

With Deft Focus and X-Gene, Goin' Rogue is 5 thwart for 0 cost from hand!

With Deft Focus and X-Gene, Goin' Rogue is 8 damage for 1 cost from hand!

If Rogue has a tough token (from either Polaris or Hard Knocks, then Taunt basically just says pay 1 from hand to draw 3 cards! Or with Nightcrawler or Bulletproof Belle, Taunt now says pay 2 from hand to draw 3 cards. Which is not as amazing, but still really good. Also, if you are touching the Villain, they take one damage.

All of this means that with Aerial, Rogue is way ahead of the curve.

Lastly, another fun combo:

Touching an ally + Synch + Rogue's Jacket + Soaring Acrobatics lets Rogue thwart for 5! Then since you have Aerial, go ahead and play that Ever Vigilant to ready her, remove 2 more threat, and now hit an enemy for 2.
