

Coût: 1.

1 max par joueur.

Action de héros : inclinez Intense Concentration → réduisez de 1 le coût en ressources de la prochaine carte SUPER-POUVOIR que vous jouez lors de ce tour.

Convoitise Galactique #24.
Intense Concentration

Last edit: Oct-02-24 (Nightcrawler)

(Note some comments may read funny since I've edited this over the years, including going from two to three tiers)

Deft Focus is one of the strongest, though most restrictive, non-hero resource generators in the game due to is low cost of only 1 resource. The majority of Superpower cards are hero cards, so whether or not to play it mostly depends on your hero, though there are a handful of Superpower aspect cards that can justify it too.

Here is a list of heroes ranked by how many of their cards can take advantage of Deft Focus. Obviously, this excludes cards like Fruition or Speed of Light that are Superpowers but zero cost. Some superpowers that are interrupts during the villain phase are also not counted since Deft Focus is used as an action, not a resource.

Tier 1: Auto-include

Quicksilver (13), Groot (12), Vision (10), Spider-Woman (9), Shadowcat (9), Iceman (9)

  • These heroes' superpower cards are plentiful and strong, so you will activate it virtually every turn. Focus is one of the best cards in your deck. You can consider playing multiple copies just to make sure you see it early.

Tier 2: Usually include

Spectrum (8), Rogue (8), Adam Warlock (7), Colossus (7), Storm (7), Cable (7)

  • Deft Focus is still a very strong play for these heroes, though not quite the slam dunk as the Tier 1 heroes. I would still play 1 copy of Deft Focus almost all the time.

Tier 3: Might consider

Nightcrawler (6), Hulk (6), She-Hulk (5), Wolverine (5), Gambit, (5), Thor (5), Captain Marvel (5), Ms. Marvel (5), Scarlet Witch (4), Domino (4), Spider-Man (3), Iron-Man (3)

  • While these counts may be low, remember it only takes 2 uses of Deft Focus to break even on resources. Some of the superpower cards are really powerful too, like Scarlet Witch's Hex Bolt or Iron-Man's Repulsor Blast, both of which you'll want to play many times in a game with those heroes. I would think about playing a single Deft Focus depending on the deck.

Special case: Nova (6)

  • Nova's count is high enough that I might run Deft Focus, but if you consider how Nova plays, it is not actually necessary. Pot Shot and Lightspeed Flight get paid for easily by Supernova Helmet or Connection to the need for a cost reduction of 1 if the resource you are paying gets doubled automatically. I personally would not play a Focus, but you wouldn't be crazy to.

Special Case: Jubilee (8)

  • Lots of cards but massive awkwardness with all of them rewarding you for different resource types spent, which Focus doesn't give you. I would not play it here.

Bossted by non-hero Superpowers: Hulk, She-Hulk, Thor

  • Limitless Stamina and Unshakable are basic Superpower cards that these heroes can play due to having at least 14 printed hp. This makes Deft Focus a much stronger card for them, especially since they each have a handful of hero card Superpowers already
Stretch22 · 664
Hey! I like that you took the time to count everyone of them, thx! This will be useful! — neothechosen · 10739
Scarlet Witch only has 4 cards that benefit from Deft Focus, because the timing doesn't allow you to use Deft Focus on Warp Reality. — OrionJA · 8
I think it won't work for SpiderMan's 'enhanced Spider sense', since you can't do a Hero Action (like Deft Focus does) in the villain phase, so it's 3 for Spidey — warboykurgan · 1
Good analysis, but wanted ot note that for groot specifically, the number of superpower cards is misleading and IMO he's closer to tier-2 for this card. Out of those 12 card, 5 are upgrades which you might play once only (if at all) and 1, fruition, is 0 cost and doesn't make use from deft focus. It is a useful card for groot, if you get it out early, but it's nowhere near the level of use quicksilver gets out of it... — 6crows · 1
Vision seems like a clear Tier 1 hero for this card as well, he has a grand total of 10 superpower cards that can be targeted with this. — TomasLoow · 1
I agree with much of your sentiment, and it is a great review. — MacGhille · 251
Let me add a couple thoughts. First, you are 100% correct about wild resources being more useful than Deft Focus with Nova. I would argue though, that because of the versatile nature of Nova's hero cards, you may regularly be in a position to play cards, but only use the helmet once (if you defended). You will want Deft Focus for those moments. Particularly is you had a Forcefield, since the wild the Helmet provides also guarantees the 3 retaliate. — MacGhille · 251
As a Quicksilver player, even if you never get other superpower cards added to your deck, both copies of this are definitely a must have! The main reason being that Serval Industries is always able to recover your superpower cards, and you're always going to want to play as many of them in a turn as possible. This guarantees that, even if you never get friction resistance in play, you're automatically guaranteed to be able to play at least 2 Always Be Running in any turn. Not only that, once you do get Friction Resistance, you will be able to play a Speed Cyclone with a minimum of two targets, or play a free Maximum Velocity (which is often one of his best cards) and get to use that friction resistance for multiple ABRs! If you play QS, you MUST get this card! — KFrosty · 14
I could be misinterpreting you KFrosty, but don't forget the Max 1 per Player restriction! The reason to consider playing 2 or 3 copies is just so you get it out earlier — Stretch22 · 664
New hero [Iceman]( should be at Tier 1, as has 9 cards to be used with. — datakey · 8

With the up-and-coming "Unshakable" and "Limitless Stamina" cards soon to be released, this will be an auto include in many Hulk decks. Requiring 2 "stunned" status cards, and readying Hulk (respectively) essentially for FREE, due to this card. Hugely important in a hero that has only a four card hand, and a forced discard at the end of your turn ... Hulk is getter better by the moment!

bmay511 · 304
If you think that's cool, wait until you try it in a good deck — Bojkan9413 · 1
It's really nice for Quicksilver as you can play an Always be running for free — XPGamer · 43