Mutant Investors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 384

So why go on a Shopping Spree when you could like, totally invest your money or something?


Playstyle: Ally swarm, Combo

Strengths: Damage Mitigation, Thwarting

Weaknesses: Damage

Recommended player count: 2-4 (okay in solo)

Jubilee is a rich hero. She can easily afford her own upgrades, and doesn't really NEED to rely on Shopping Spree. Instead, let's take advantage of her great economy and play a bunch of allies! The main focus here being Storm, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler.


Since we aren't worrying about defeating Shopping Spree, we can just have Storm dump excess threat there. This essentially means that she has a thwart of 4! Storm only costs 4 because Jubilee is X-Men. And with her hero power, she's effectively 3 cost. With all of the resources in this deck, she's easy to play. But there's a way to get her even cheaper. We will be trying to combo Pinned Down on a weak minion to then play her with Mutant Protectors when that minion attacks. We can also do this to get some of our other allies out. This combo doesn't always work out perfectly, but these cards are still useful regardless. Pinned Down is always a solid control card, and we can always use Mutant Protectors to chump block with allies like Polaris, Forge, Professor X, or Triage.

We will keep Storm alive with Protective Training, X-Mansion, and Triage. We can activate her multiple times with Game Time, Utopia, and Professor X. Utopia and X can also ready Jubilee herself if you need the extra wild resource. Utopia and X-Mansion are key cards in this deck, so Forge is here to make sure we get them. We have X-Men Instruction to recycle all of our allies, who are all pretty expendable besides Storm, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler.


Wolverine's regeneration is a bit slow, so he won't be able to attack every turn. Healing him once with X-Mansion lets him attack a second time before you heal him to full by flipping. We will be trying to flip often to play X-Men Instruction and to heal allies with the mansion, so we can make good use of Logan here. Throwing a Protective Training on him is not as high a priority as on Storm, but let him attack way more often.


Nightcrawler is just a perfect ally for Jubilee. She both has easy access to as well as an abundance of resources to easily replay him each turn. Throw in the fact that he's a repeatable trigger for Utopia and now they are best friends. Keep in mind that he can only protect X-Men characters if you are trying to protect your teammates. But even if your friends aren't X-men, you can have Nightcrawler block for them and then trigger his effect on himself. You can even return him to cancel an attack, and then play him back down right after with Mutant Protectors to block a minion. Even if he takes 1 damage from that minion, thats fine since you can just keep using him for his ability. Putting Protective Training on him usually doesn't make sense since it gets discarded when he leaves play. But since he has a pretty good statline, it can be a good idea for when you don't need defense as much as attack or thwarting.

Piloting the deck

I tend to play Shopping Spree on turn 1 and never clear it, but you have the option to clear it one time and then start the Storm combo once you get through the deck and can get it back out. This is a good idea if the other players are good at thwarting and especially if you are playing with anyone with good item cards. Other than that, the deck is mostly about defending with allies and mitigating damage. Her identity events and upgrades are not the focus here, but will still see play.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, I do like Shopping Spree. I didn't make this deck because I thought that the only good use for it was with the Storm combo, I just thought it was fun and worth sharing! I will be making more decks in the future that use this card more actively.

If you want to cut that last card, I would say that a double resource or one of the X-Men Instructions can go. I'll leave that choice up to you :)

I have tried Danger Room but it just doesn't play well in this deck since we are pretty much always playing allies in hero form. You can pair this with any deck, but it synergizes best with other X-Men.


Aug 04, 2024 dr00 · 43725

'finally, some good thwarting in protection' lol. good job.

also, could you explain why you chose Energy to drop from the basic doubles? did you feel you just had enough otherwise?

Aug 04, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 384

@dr00 It was just because it was the most common type. The deck isn't centered around her events but I still play them when the time is right, so I wanted to keep them evenish. Nightcrawler is the only one that favors Energy, and I never had an issue playing him. And I did feel like 6 doubles was too much. The allies are expensive but a lot of the events and upgrades are 0 or 1 cost.