Pietro, handle my light work.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This has turned into one of my favorite Sidekick decks.

Its a Quicksilver voltron deck, but alliws you to play a good mix of identity and aspect cards as well as pull off some big turns.

Your first trip through the deck is a controlled burn through cards using Spiritual Meditation, Suit Up, Superpowered Siblings and Agatha Harkness to dig out Quicksilver and Sidekick. Then attach as many upgrades to Pietro as possible while firing off the occasional Hex Bolt or Molecular Decay.

DO NOT let Quicksilver leave play once you get him out! Use recovery (with Sidekick) and First Aid to keep him going. You may need to be conservative with using his special ability at first, but with Sidekick and Reinforced Suit, he will have 8 Hp and you will be more free to use him. Ready for Action is very valuable for him as his ability can be used once per phase. This lets him defend with tough, ready, and still go twice in the player phase.

Ant-Man is here for two reasons. 1) To give Suit Up a use after getting Pietro out. 2) To provide help with thwarting, so Pietro can focus on damage. If you are going up against enemies with regular access to Tough, you might want to swap him out for Black Knight.

Like any voltron deck, you have to watch out for effects that neutralize or eliminate allies, as you can be left floundering if he gets taken away.Order and Chaos and Warp Reality can hopefully be handy to help prevent this.