Big Griz's Magik

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BigGriz · 2


This deck focuses on top deck manipulation and utilising allies to soak while controlling the board.

This deck is capable of handling S3:E1 Expert Ronan true solo, albeit not with great consistency at this stage as opening hand plays a massive part in WR.

Sequencing plays a massive part in this deck, if you want to practice decision making this is a great place to start. Be aware that turns can take a long time, so may not be fun for others in multiplayer.

Still very much a WIP. Would love feedback and card suggestions.


This deck desperately wants Uncanny X-Men on the board. Once this is out, cards like Angel, Colossus and Storm are insane value. This should be your priority to mulligan for, but an opening hand with Weapon X or Limbo is worth considering.

Early on don't stress too much about getting Magiks upgrades out - they're great, but are some what unreliable.

Most turns will revolve around Scrying, either opening with it or using a copy of Stepping Disc to put it back on top of the library, Spiritual Meditation to draw that Scrying and using that to Scry 3, looking for a high value ally. If you do happen to miss, you'll likely end up with another disc or draw option.

Late game will often require you flip into AE to try build up some resources on your next turn, whilst using Mutant Education, X-Men Instruction and Illyana's flip action to stack the remaining deck with gas for your execute.


Summoning Spell: in theory this should be a perfect fit, discarding from the top when we get 'stuck', bringing out allies and being a potential target for the AE ability. However, the randomness of the spell has often made it feel lackluster for the investment.