Armored Up and Nowhere to Go

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thawne · 7

Deck Breakdown:

The general idea of this deck is to play Armor Up every turn, which lets you gain a tough to block the villain attack while also letting you end every turn in Alter Ego to take advantage of his 6 hand size.

There are only 2 copies of Armor Up in his deck, but by flipping down to Alter Ego every turn, you can use his Aspiring Artist ability to shuffle it back into the deck. I've also included 2 copies of Mutant Education in case you have more than 1 copy of Armor Up in the discard pile. It can also be used to pull back Organic Steel, which helps keep those oh-so-important Tough cards.

To help boost his hand size a bit more, I've included Avengers Mansion and Moira MacTaggert. Since Colossus will be flipping to Hero form every single turn, he can use Moira better than anyone else in the game, turning her into a 2-cost Avengers Mansion. The X-Jet and Deft Focus will also help boost his economy. It can be argued that he doesn't need these resource generators, because he has his own in Titanium Muscles. However, because you'll be losing most of your tough cards in the early game, you won't get much use out of Titanium Muscles until the mid-late game.

Colossus' biggest weakness is his 4 hand size, which we've taken care of. His next biggest weakness is his thwarting. For this we've included some nice Justice allies, Danger Room and 3 copies of Mission Training. Colossus will rarely need to chump block with allies, so you can really get the most out of their boosted thwarting.

Another weakness of Colossus is that he doesn't have a lot of small instances of damage. He can dish it out with the best of them; finishing a game with 2 copies of Made of Rage, granting 15 damage for 2 effective resources feels pretty good. But he has a harder time with lots of small minions or multiple Tough cards on enemies (oh, the irony). So using Utopia and Professor X to ready him up so he can get the most of his basic attack can be a life saver.

Overall, this deck uses a lot of upgrades and supports because you'll want to thin your deck as much as possible, increasing the probability of drawing Armor Up. It also increases the concentration of Steel Fist and Made of Rage, allowing for some game-ending burst damage, which helps bring down enemies like Venom Goblin.

This deck has defeated expert Venom Goblin and Magneto with little issue. I haven't tried against Ronin yet.

Turn Flow:

Always end your turn in Alter Ego with Armor Up (hold on to it if it's in your hand, otherwise set yourself up to draw it).

When the villain attacks, play Armor Up to flip to hero form, gaining a card with Moira MacTaggert. Block the attack with your tough, gaining a card from Iron Will. If you have Organic Steel, use it to hold on to the tough so you can block additional attacks. The exception to this is if you have 2 toughs and a copy of Bulletproof Protector. Then you may as well let the tough go away and save your Organic Steel uses.

Once your turn is done, flip back down to Alter Ego, shuffle in Armor Up, perform any Alter Ego actions, then draw back up to 6 cards.

Mulligan Priority:

Iron Will - Important for card draw engine

Moira MacTaggert - Also for card draw engine

Armor Up - Key to the whole deck

Meditation - depending on what else is in your hand, this can be useful to get a headstart on your engine build, providing a nice tempo boost