Card draw simulator
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Kevix · 13
Note: This deck is only using cards from Wave 1 & 2.
Now, this is a deck I’ve seen lots of versions of but I couldn’t find an optimized version for my play style with only Wave 1 & 2 cards. I think this deck wasn’t really viable until it got some of the cards in Wave 2 but I suspect will just get better as I open more cards.
The other thing I’ll note is that I’ve also seen a lot of other heroes used as the base for a Perfect Protection build but I’m fairly sure Captain America is the most ideal version because of the reliability of having your Captain America's Shield Turn 1 (+Def AND Retaliate) as well as reducing the cost of allies being a nice side bonus to help with setup. Also critical is that Cap has 2 Thw and can ready so easily. Combined with Fearless Determination and you don’t really need a ton of other cards to deal with schemes. This is very different than another hero like Spider-Man who really struggles with Thwarting in Protection and needs to fall back on inefficient cards like Bait and Switch to survive (although that build is a ton of fun, just not as good as this one).
This is what I think is pretty close to optimal for my play style. It’s streamlined to take advantage of The Power in All of Us (7 Targets) and utilize Nerves of Steel (6 Targets). Never Back Down is an all star here as the villian will be stunned a fair amount with them alongside Mockingbird and Iron Fist.
Never Back Down and Desperate Defense are chosen as the main protection event cards as they provide you tempo while also defending either giving you back your ready this turn or saving you from needing to defend on a later turn. Side Step would be another reasonable option.
I know this strategy gets weaker with Stalwart enemies down the road, but this could take out everything I threw at it.