Card draw simulator
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I went back to She-Hulk to see what I could do with her when trying to take advantage of flipping her mostly every turn. I have ended up with this deck that has been serving me pretty well.
While in alter-ego, you have your built-in threat reduction to help limit the damage from scheming. You may get some additional assistance from Superhuman Law Division, but the majority of your thwarting is going to come from allies. Legal Practice is generally not getting used in this deck as you almost always have better things to do with your hand. It might come in handy in a pinch. Meditation is a great way to help get your allies, Avengers Mansion, and Quincarrier into play.
Moxie works wonder for She-Hulk as she can pair it with One-Two Punch and Go All Out to lay out some serious damage after flipping. It is easy to lay out 10-11 damage with Moxie and one of these two cards. Peak damage potential is 2 for flipping to hero + 6 (Moxie+Superhuman Strength+ATK) then One-Two Punch followed by 9 (Moxie + Go All Out for a total of 17 damage plus a stun! That also requires 5 resources and 4 specific cards, so it's tricky, but not impossible, especially with the resources She-Hulk has available.
In addition to Avengers Mansion and Quincarrier, she has her built in card draw with Focused Rage and also has Clarity of Purpose. There is also an Enhanced Reflexes that should be saved for helping pay for Go All Out, as there is a shortage of energy resources in the deck (Quincarrier and Clarity of Purpose are excellent fixes for this problem as well). You do not need to get all of these cards out for the deck to function, 2 or 3 of them will serve you fine but you do want to get at least one out early.
Limitless Stamina is a godsend here as you will have to exhaust for some of your big moves (Go All Out and Meditation, notably). I would not fault you if you added some Ready to Rumble or Recuperation cards to the deck to give you more activations.