X-Rated Fun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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NewfieLad · 184

This is a Spider-Woman deck that makes use of very powerful X-Men allies that can stay in play for quite some time to great effect, without chump blocking most of the time. Powerful allies are good when they stick around. With Spider-Woman, they will stick around as she is a very physically resilient character. Consider that she can often get a 3 defense (sometimes more), she can stun the enemy with Pheromones, she can heal and get tough via Contaminant Immunity, and safely flip down if attacks are looking bad while the villain is confused via Pheromones.

As for those powerful allies?

-Bishop: He can attack for 6+ (w/ Attack Training and/or Boot Camp) after the villain attacks you 3 times. You are resilient and should be able to do this. He should even be able to thwart in the interim with an HP boost from either training upgrade.

-Goldballs: He can attack for 4+ damage each activation and then defend on his last life. The milling is mostly inconsequential. Though, if you have few or no resource generators, you may want to discard less as they are important for Spider-Woman to get her stat boosts.

-Husk: Since Finesse says to generate a resource for an aspect card (rather than to "pay" for an aspect card), I think those resource generators can power her interrupt abilities. With both Finesses on the board, she can stay out indefinitely with a 3+ Attack or Thwart. Instead of healing her, if you have training cards on her, you can do burst attacking or thwarting by readying her. I wouldn't necessarily recommend always using both Finesse on Husk, but she has insane flexibility/value with your cheap resource generators and bonus heal from training upgrades.

-Shark-Girl: Two damage and a block is worth 2 resources. you can potentially train her if it makes sense for your stat boosts/board state, but there are better targets, generally. She can be replaced by Psylocke against non-steady/stalwart villains if you want to keep the X-Men theme. If you don't care about the X-Men theme, you should probably replace her with Brawn (potentially 8 damage, 4 thwart and a block w/ boot camp for 3-cost) or Hulk (you can look at the top card of your deck in alter-ego, attack for 3 - 4 and risk the result, or he can likely block 2 attacks for you against a bunch of villains for 2-cost).

-Sunfire: is just a great 2-cost ally. If you can discard an attachment when playing him (you can use Finesse to help), he becomes fantastic. Probably a better training candidate than Shark Girl, but there are others who are better.

-Wolverine: Amazing ally. His self-healing means he can stick around all game, if necessary. With the Thwart Training, he can thwart 2 every round indefinitely. With Training cards, he can attack for even more rounds in a row without having to stop to heal.

So, to boost these allies, we have Boot Camp and two types of x-men training cards from each aspect. It's like having two kinds of reinforced suits that can be played on the same ally with additional stat bonuses. Woo! The thwart version is generally more cost effective, but with these high attack allies and boot camp, they can swing for a lot! The training upgrades are cheap which will help with your stat boosts.

To keep with the resilient Spider-Woman theme, we have added 3 copies of Making an Entrance so you can get additional healing without flipping. Should be easy to clear a scheme with this between your allies, other thwarting events, and your stat boosts. Most of your justice cards are very cheap (0 - 1 cost), so they should help you with your stat boosts.

The Power of Aggression helps since most of your aggression cards are expensive. Though, you have essentially 3 - 4 resource generators and 6 doubles to help with these expensive aggression cards.

Thank you for reading about my deck. Please comment if you have any questions or thoughts on this deck.


Jan 25, 2025 HeroicSkeleton · 980

I like it! Allies look good, and i like that you stuck to only yellow and red ones for her hero ability. Interesting what you said about finesse. I'm not 100% sure, but that sounds right based on the wording

Jan 25, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1687

Absolutely Husk can be paid for with Finesse, really cool use of it here good stuff!