Dr. Banner, Suit Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Meck71 · 92

Wanted to play the Hulk ally with Tony Stark. The idea is to play Tony as Normal, thinning your deck and playing your upgrades and supports, using Superpower Training and Leo Fitz to accelerate the process. As you thin the deck you'll be playing your cards with the mental resources and significantly reduce the risk of hitting the ol bankrupt on hulk's activation. Pitchback loves Powered Gauntlets once you get the suit set up and Drop Kick with all the physical resources is great. Once ya get hulk down, don't be afraid to get the Big Fella or Blade Enraged and get some thematic beat down dopamine!

Obviously, this is not a repulsor blast deck, and it might feel bad to waist a 3x hero card, so we tuck blade in the deck to assuage some of that guilt and take advantage of Enraged.

Theme Decks, ya know?


Mar 30, 2025 SDx · 93

Cool deck! I appreciate you leaning into which I believe is less common for Iron Man decks! Pitchback is a strong consideration given that Tony can get Aerial fairly readily.

Mar 30, 2025 Meck71 · 92

@SDx Iron Man is my favorite guy to test out aerial stuff with, especially now that Leo Fitz can enable so much stuff without having to run a million tech cards, a lot more variety now

Pitchback is great since the powered gauntlets are attacks, and they’re great at knocking off pesky tough cards so you’re playing pitchback without needing to “do” anything first