Got any upgrades, Tony? Leadership Captain America!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Attercop! · 70

"Actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler."

I've built another Captain America and I don't intend to stop.

This time, I decided to take a swing at upgrading just a few allies and making them really sparkle. In this case, we want to see Iron Man as early as possible and get him kitted out with Power Gloves Sky CycleReinforced Suit and, of course, Inspired. This might seem like a big investment and that's because it is. But the pay off of having a single ally that can activate twice, dishing out up to 4 damage in each of his two attacks, boasting a massive HP of 7 is pretty worth it and speeds up the clock on the villain.

This deck really shines in solo with Cap defending to prevent the allies from taking much damage each turn outside of their activations and counts are below 3 to prevent duplicates from showing up. Realistically, the deck can run perfectly well with any of the allies it has access to, but Iron Man is the most ideal. Because of the nature of the deck, if there are any issues with uniqueness in a multiplayer can, you have plenty of other cards to substitute in. Tony can just as easily be USAgent, Goliath, or Giant Man.