Hulk and his Dog (Hulk Basic Deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hulk, not so green 0 0 0 1.0
Hulk Basic Justice 0 0 0 1.0

kamalisk · 448

One of Hulks big problems is his hand size of 4.

I have always found that the basic Enhanced resource cards have helped low hand heroes get more out of their time in Hero form, and with the release of The Power in All of Us it has made them easier to play and more efficient.

With that in mind, I then focused the rest of his deck around basic cards, the basic support cards are easier to play now too, so put all those resource generators to help with his small hand size.

Another symptom of his smaller hand size, is often having nothing to play. That is where Lockjaw comes in.

Lockjaw lets Hulk thwart for at least 2, which is more than enough to keep the per turn threat away. Due to Hulks high health pool he can stay in hero form for quite a long time, especially if he keeps blocking.

Lockjaw can always be mulliganed on turn 1, and Bruce's alter ego power can discard him after drawing, and still be able to play him if needed.

Often you can use Lockjaw, defeating him, then play him again straight from the discard. Try to make sure he is in play when your deck reshuffles!

With the double resources, Limitless Strength and The Power in All of Us, Lockjaw is usually easy enough to play if your hand offers you nothing better.

Even though it is a mental resource, the new Assess the Situation is another card which nicely rounds out the basic package, and helps greatly with low hand heroes. Often you end up with one card left over, making this an easy play.

Heimdall and Nick are great basic cards, even with a 4 card hand I find Hulk can easily play them with his resource cards and the basic enchanced cards. Heimdall is super great in solo.

When playing this deck, don't feel like you have to spend the basic enhanced resources each turn, it is often better to just spend cards, and only use them when it rounds out your hand nicely.

Also make sure to defend a lot, you can often ready if you need to, and only really take all the damage to the face when you have a big Hulk Smash you can use.

I have beaten Kang and Klaw heroic with it solo, and it can easily be tailored to suit any scenario with changing the few aspect cards it uses, e.g. put Hawkeye and Squirrel girl if against Ultron.

By the end of my last game, I managed to play Nick, Lockjaw and double Hulk Smash to finish off the villain.


Mar 01, 2021 Atrus · 366

Liked you deck a lot. Since beginning I had the same idea of Hulk with just basic cards.

2 questions: -do you mulligan agressively for something specific? -how do you beated klaw heroic? Any adjustement to the deck? Seems impossible to me; I’m doing it with Masters of evil modular.

Thank you for sharing!

Mar 01, 2021 kamalisk · 448

I don't know how well it does against large minions in the modular set, but ideally you want Lockjaw in your discard from turn 1, and at least one of the resource boosters turn 1. Pretty much get rid of any of the hulk specific cards aside from the resource.

Unless you have the hulk smash in hand, you should simply use hulk to defend most attacks and stay in hulk form to avoid threat.

Mar 01, 2021 Atrus · 366

I managed it with a few changes at first attempt. Just removed the Enhanceds because they were not working for me, and added more utility. Thank you! Loved Assess the situation so much.